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July 2020


Saint Joseph's College (Indiana), a Catholic college founded and sponsored by the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, pledges itself to a tradition of excellence and to a liberal education that is a united endeavor of intelligence and faith.

Survey Will Close Soon

Thank you to all who have shared your ideas for potential programs at Saint Joe. We have received a lot of great feedback. The survey will close on Friday, August 7th. At that time we will compile the results and share the findings with all of you. Please share the survey link with your friends, family, and colleagues. The wide range of responses will give us valuable feedback we can share with potential partners.


Fellows Play a Major Role in Chapel Renovation

Once again the Fellows of Saint Joseph’s College have played a major role in fundraising at the College. Over the many years the Fellows have contributed much needed funds to improve campus. Their extensive projects have included renovation of labs in the Science Building, beautification of the Grotto, and much needed signage on campus. Most recently the Fellows adopted the Chapel as their next undertaking.

It is with great pleasure, we announce the exterior brick tuck-pointing of the Chapel is complete. The Council of Fellows, under the direction of Carol Lane Wood ’74, called upon the Fellows of Saint Joseph’s College to raise the funds needed to complete the tuck-pointing of the East and South sides of the Chapel. The total project cost was $377,916. Of that the Fellows raised $249,879 of the money needed for the project. The remaining cost was funded by an estate gift and College operating funds.

The Saint Joseph’s Chapel exterior is secure and preserved for many years to come.This could not have been accomplished without the help of the Fellows.


Core Building Improvements

As part of the rebuilding plan for Saint Joseph’s College, the Board of Trustees agreed to invest in the Core Education Center by installing a new HVAC system. The new heating and cooling system will take the Core Building off of the main boiler infrastructure and will make it a stand-alone building. The new system will be fueled by natural gas with a line coming from the City of Rensselaer.

The hard working SJC physical plant employees are busy preparing for the system installation which will take place the beginning of August. The entire project cost which includes the new equipment and installation of a gas line is approximately $469,000. The money to fund the project is coming from the current operating budget.

The Core Education Center houses state of the art class rooms, lecture halls, meeting rooms, and staff offices. The goal of the investment is to lower utility costs, which make up a large part the budget. Keeping the Core building current and updated is key to rebuilding the College.

If you would like more information on how you can help with this project or others, please contact Beth Graf at


Contact Us

Saint Joseph’s College PO Box 300 Rensselaer, IN 47978

Phone: 219-866-6000 ext 2014

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